1. I accept the policies and procedures set down by BBFDC and agree to abide by these conditions, I understand that BBFDC policy manual is available for viewing at all times. I also understand that I will be provided with a parent booklet regarding Ballina Byron Family Day Care (BBFDC).
2. I agree in order to be eligible for Australian Government fee assistance (e.g. CCS), the care arrangement and all associated invoices, receipts and statements must make clear that the care is being provided by the service and that the fees are being paid to the service.
3. I agree to abide by the conditions outlined in the Educators Individual Fee Schedule and Parent/Educator Agreement regarding payment of fees, food provisions and other arrangements as contained therein.
4. I agree to notify the Family Day Care office (ph 6686 7799) of any changes in the agreed hours or days of care and to sign the relevant forms pertaining to this.
5. I agree to record and initial actual arrival and departure times on attendance records, as required by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, as an accurate record of actual hours of attendance. I agree to sign the attendance record stating this is an accurate record of hours for which payment is to be made.
6. I am aware that full fees are to be paid if my Child Care Benefit (CCS) is cancelled or waiting processing by the Department of Human Services (DHS).
7. I agree to keep receipts issued to me by the educator as a record of fees paid.
8. I authorise the Co-ordination Unit to deduct the amount of Parent Levy paid by myself to the educator.
9. I understand my child will be visited by a scheme Co-ordinator who will observe the developmental progress of my child at regular intervals and make referrals to other agencies if required with my consent.
10. I agree to supply immunisation records (ACIR statement) to the Family Day Care Office each time my child’s immunisation is updated. Please be aware as per Parent Booklet as directed by Public Health Unit.
11. In case of accident or other emergency resulting in the need of immediate medical, hospital or dental treatment, if parent/guardian not contactable, I hereby give my consent for the educator to contact an ambulance or arrange for my child to be seen by his/her doctor or failing that the nearest hospital, medical or dental service available. I authorise transportation of my child by an ambulance service and agree to pay all costs incurred.
12. I agree that in an emergency situation or drill where evacuation is necessary that my child may need to leave the service under the direction and supervision of the educator.
13. In case of my child contracting an infectious disease, I agree to exclude him/her from the family day care home for a period, recommended by the NSW Dept. of Health, and to pay the regular childcare costs as a holding fee for my child’s placement.
14. I understand that parent permission notes are to be signed for each excursion outside the educator’s home. Routine excursion forms can be signed for yearly, e.g. playgroup, library visits, park, school drop-offs and pick-ups. All families are to be informed prior to outings undertaken by the educator under all circumstances. I agree to pay all costs of excursions and outings to the educator in addition to regular fees if applicable.
15. I agree to provide accessible emergency contact details to my educator as an alternate option to the parent/guardian in case of an emergency and the parent/guardian cannot be contacted.
16. I understand that Family Day Care placements operate according to Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Priority of Access Guidelines and that I may be asked to vacate my position for someone on a higher priority.
17. A parent enrolment fee of $60.00 is payable upon enrolling for care with the scheme. This fee is non-refundable. Payment can be made at the Ballina Office ( 2/90 Tamar Street), or via post 2/90 Tamar St, Ballina 2478) or direct debit payment to Westpac Bank (BSB No: 032 591, Account No: 360 599 – If choosing this option please quote your family surname as a reference).